I archive most of my ungated preprints here
Darr, Joshua P., Matthew P. Hitt, and Johanna L. Dunaway. 2021.
Home Style Opinion: How Local News Can Slow Polarization.
New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Reviewed in : Public Opinion Quarterly
Hitt, Matthew P. 2019.
Inconsistency and Indecision in the United States Supreme Court.
Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press.
Featured on: New Books in Political Science, Ipse Dixit
Reviewed in: Perspectives on Politics, Journal of Politics,
Law Library Journal, Law and Politics Book Review
Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., John R. Freeman, Matthew P. Hitt, and Jon C. Pevehouse. 2014.
Time Series Analysis for the Social Sciences.
New York, NY: Cambridge University Press.
Refereed Articles
Davis, Nicholas T., and Matthew P. Hitt
"Partisan Sorting, Fatalism, and Supreme Court Legitimacy."
Forthcoming, American Journal of Political Science.
Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., Nicholas T. Davis, and Matthew P. Hitt.
"The Future of the U.S. Supreme Court: Ethics, Polarization, and Reform."
Forthcoming, Journal of Policy History.
Davis, Nicholas T., and Matthew P. Hitt. 2024.
"Diffuse Support, Partisanship, and the Electoral Relevance of the Supreme Court."
Journal of Law and Courts 12(2): 392-412.
Fitz, Erin B., Dominik Stecuła, Matthew P. Hitt, and Kyle L. Saunders. 2024.
"Objective Numeracy Exacerbates Framing Effects From Decision-Making Under Political Risk."
Scientific Reports 14: 10473.
Hitt, Matthew P., Kyle L. Saunders, and Kevin M. Scott. 2019.
"Justice Speaks, But Who's Listening? Mass Public Awareness of U.S. Supreme Court Cases."
Journal of Law and Courts 7(1): 29-52.
Budziak, Jeffrey, Matthew P. Hitt, and Daniel Lempert. 2019.
"Determinants of Writing Style on the United States Circuit Courts of Appeals."
Journal of Law and Courts 7(1): 1-28.
Darr, Joshua P., Matthew P. Hitt, and Johanna L. Dunaway. 2018.
"Newspaper Closures Polarize Voting Behavior."
Journal of Communication 68(6): 1007-1028.
-Winner of the 2019 Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Lynda Lee Kaid Best Published Article in Political Communication Award
Media coverage: Associated Press, The Boston Globe, Texas A&M Today, Axios, Journalist's Resource, The New York Times,
EurekAlert, Nieman Lab, Big Think, Wyoming Public Media, BYU Radio
Hitt, Matthew P. and Kathleen Searles. 2018.
"Media Coverage and Public Approval of the U.S. Supreme Court."
Political Communication 35(4): 566-586.
Media coverage: National Public Radio, Journalist's Resource
Srinivas Parinandi and Matthew P. Hitt. 2018.
"How Politics Influences the Energy Pricing Decisions of Elected Public Utilities Commissioners."
Energy Policy 118: 77-87.
Davis, Nicholas T. and Matthew P. Hitt. 2017.
"Winning, Losing, and the Dynamics of External Political Efficacy."
International Journal of Public Opinion Research 29(4): 676-689.
Hitt, Matthew P., Craig Volden, and Alan E. Wiseman. 2017.
"Spatial Models of Legislative Effectiveness."
American Journal of Political Science 61(3): 575-590.
Merola, Vittorio and Matthew P. Hitt. 2016.
"Numeracy and the Persuasive Effect of Policy Information and Party Cues."
Public Opinion Quarterly 80(2): 554-562.
Media coverage: Harvard Business Review, National Affairs
Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., Charles P. Campisano, Matthew P. Hitt, and Kevin M. Scott. 2016.
"Advising, Consenting, Delaying, and Expediting: Senator Influences on Presidential Appointments."
Studies in American Political Development 30(1): 19-37.
Dataset information: The Legislative Scholar
Hitt, Matthew P. 2016.
"Measuring Precedent in a Judicial Hierarchy."
Law & Society Review 50(1): 57-81.
Media coverage: National Affairs
Box-Steffensmeier, Janet M., Dino P. Christenson, and Matthew P. Hitt. 2013.
"Quality Over Quantity: Amici Influence & Judicial Decision Making."
American Political Science Review 107(3): 446-460.
Hitt, Matthew P. 2013.
"Presidential Success in Supreme Court Appointments: Informational Effects and Institutional Constraints."
Presidential Studies Quarterly 43(4): 792-813.